martes, 1 de noviembre de 2022

A tribute to the buffalo: Colaborador Oliverio

“Apart from the elephant, the greatest sport with the big stuff can be

the Cape Buffalo. Everyone has heard how fierce they are, which is

true in one way. Wounded, they develop an adrenaline that allows

them to soak up bullets as big as asparagus, and they come, and,

come, and come, and come until you poke a gun in an eye, fire, fall

back and hope that old M Bogo doesn't fall on you. They cut your

trail, double back, and crouch in a piece of bush that wouldn't hide

a Hare. They lie in ambush for you and come head-up snorting at

you from fifteen feet. That's when they're wounded.There's been a

lot of nonsense written about buff. Wounded they are the worst.

Unwounded, they are just beef. But there's sometimes an exception,

which can kill you.”

Robert Ruark

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